B2B Ecommerce Marketplace

FOR MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERSDear manufacturers and importers, we set up Promoto.bg for you because we have realized that:

  • You want to expand your market coverage
  • You want to present your products in a new, modern way
  • You want to launch effective promotional campaigns
  • You want to boost your revenues and cut down your costs
  • You want to have a higher profit

Promoto.bg is a unique B2B channel for marketing and sales

Increase your coverage

Promoto.bg is used by hundreds of retailers, restaurants owners and offices and their number is constantly increasing

Advertise to a select audience

Promoto.bg is an innovative B2B platform focused on trading in fast moving consumer goods markets

Earn more

You reach more customers faster and increase your revenue at the expense of lower costs.

Contact us and choose the most suitable plan for you to participate in Promoto.bg,
according to your business model.

1You can participate with your own logistics and receive orders from the platform

2You can join by advertising selected products without receiving orders

3Hybrid or another model of participation

1You can participate with your own logistics and receive orders from the platform

2You can join by advertising selected products without receiving orders

3Hybrid or another model of participation